Wednesday, 31 October 2012

iPhone vs Android

The first difference between the iPhone and the Android phones is that iPhone is completely controlled by Apple, which includes the iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S and now iPhone 5. This smart cell phone supports the big cellular networks, which are AT&T, Verizon, Sprint and more. Android is Linux-based software Operating System (OS) for mobile gadgets involving smart phones and tablet computers also. The Android OS is maintained by Google. The recent Android operating system is jelly beans also known as android 4.1 and android 4.2 versions that runs on a wide variety of smart cell phones and other devices. Android phones in difference are more reliable. With Android smart phones, you can easily work with Gmail and support new hardware features that on paper are better than the iPhone features.

The other difference between iPhone and Android is the durability and longevity. The main issue of iPhone is that there is no chance to change the battery. It means that you need to purchase a new iPhone if your phone battery is dead. In contrast, Android smart phones from Samsung, Motorola and the others give you an opportunity to change the battery at any time if it is required. The platform of an iPhone is so powerful and strong than the iPhone. The other features of Android cell phones are that they have application programs, which are default for Android phones. You can easily download the applications from the Android market. Sometimes, you see that it took a short time to operate with Android phone as the control really works differently than the iPhone.

If we do comparison between platforms, the functionalities of iPhone are very difficult to manage and in case of Android, the case is quite opposite. iPhone applications are somewhat closed and the Android applications are completely based on open source. Android phones downloading source code is much easier and faster than the iPhone. Androids platform is conventional and reliable in terms of the layout. Just only for all these reasons, most of the people give more preference to the Android phone development rather than iPhone development.

comparing Apple iPhone 5 and Samsung galaxy S3 it is revealed that iPhone screen is comparatively larger than Samsung Smartphone's. Initially iphone 5 was believed as the monotonous and nothing new than the 4S with an improved display. But later the phone was considered as the most enhanced version than its predecessors. Apple also added A6 chip processor in this latest model in order to make it the different from its previous launches Whereas, Samsung's latest galaxy S3 is built with complicated technology with comparatively larger screen than its previous launches.

In addition, comparing iPhone with Samsung Smartphone it is revealed that iPhone can get much brighter and handles bright ambient light situation very intelligently and Samsung galaxy s3 is equipped with Amoled screen that delivers more sensible shades of black in contrast to the IPS LCD of the iPhone 5. Moreover, iPhone 5 produces highly accurate colors whereas Samsung galaxy S3 over saturates colors. Therefore both are different from each other in different perspectives and have different specifications of their own.


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